Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development

Mobile Apps have revolutionized how we interact in personal and professional life. Some might say that mobile is a fad, the reality is that mobile today is the largest category of devices worldwide, many times more than the laptop / desktops. Due to its deep penetration amongst consumers, it makes perfect business sense for any business to target this vast pool of potential audience.

Businesses today cannot survive without a clear mobile strategy. GigaSoft provides solutions for your mobile strategy, be it popular android devices, or high end iOS devices.

Mobile App Development
Apple iPhone iOS
Apple iPhone iOS

Apple devices are the perfect target market if you plan to tap the high end consumer, specially if you plan to create paid apps. Due to it's strong control over design and usability guidelines, iOS apps come out to be elegant, fast, beautiful, reliable and highly intuitive.

Apple iPad IOS
Apple iPad IOS

iPad started a new paradigm in digital world. How we consume information, ease of use, comfortable access and feather-light form factor has made iPad one of the best screens to target for immersive audience engagement. A mix of iPhone and iPad in your mobile strategy can give you vast ready audience ever hungry to capture exciting apps with open arms.

Apple iPad IOS

Android rules mobile with its low cost to high end phones portfolio, helping you reach every nook and corner of world with a huge pool of apps. With glass, chromecast and TV android has potential to target consumers at every point of contact possible. With newer android versions coming up with beautiful interface and tighter control over form factor, your business can get massive boost with android apps.

Whatver your choice for devices, depending on your business requirement, we can provide you with a seemless experience across platforms be it native or hybrid apps.