Promote Your Business Online

Promote Your Business Online

Promote Your Business Online

Digital marketing is the new marketing mantra.

While it may not be the proverbial magic wand, digital marketing has the potential to bring your business closer to your customers, and rest as they say, is up to your selling skills!

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Despite Pay per click and paid advertising becoming the go to solution for all marketeers, there is no comparison to the tried and tested search engine marketing.

As part of search engine marketing activities, Google, bing, duck duck go, you tube and many more portals are available to publish your website content, and you don’t have to pay for each advertisement or listing.

In a proper balanced Digital Marketing plan, SEO / SEM has a strong weightage along with other services like PPC, Social, Push etc. This is primarily because of stickiness of SEM over all other channels. Your websites’ content is regularly scanned by search engine spiders who are hungry for more and more data to index and help their users find what they are looking for. A good SEM strategy makes use of this knowledge and is meant to increase your website rankings as well as impressions clicks and bounce rate.

One of the most useful tools in measuring SEM is Google Analytics, with which you can find out your website performance across various channels, pages, keywords, locations, demographics and get the big picture of where your digital marketing strategy stands.

There are innumerable tools available now that can help you manage SEM, however, just like financial planning, digital marketing for your business should be done under guidance of a seasoned advisors.

GigaSoft has helped many companies plan and execute successful digital marketing strategies. Contact us to find out how we can help your organization grow.

Search Engine Marketing
Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click Advertising

When your business needs short term or almost instant sale spurt, pay per click advertising can help you leverage the vast resources of larger marketing channels.

Google ads, YouTube ads, Facebook advertising, Instagram ads, LinkedIn advertising and Twitter advertising are some of the most popular Pay per Click advertising channels available today.

As google partners we can manage your PPC ads account, including search ads, display ads, remarketing ads, mobile app install ads etc. ads can be based on your requirement, targeted over specific regions, cities or countries as required. We can help you run campaign based PPC ads for events specific to time bound location specific target audience.

For brand awareness, we recommend targeted facebook + Instagram paid advertising, via Demographic based facebook posts, sliders and lead generation formats or campaign for events in location wise hyper-targeted format and post boost for sustained viewership and follower increase.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube etc. all social accounts now provide a great avenue for full scale digital marketing activities. 

Regular posting schedule as per content planner can be prepared to keep your business visible daily amongst your audience. 

Mix of branding and transactional content can be prepared and you can maximise use of hashtags for increased reach and audience distribution for reaching out of bound audience, target interested audience and reach existing audience repeatedly.

Social media automation using tools like Buffer, hootsuite, facebook timed posts and similar apps help in scheduling and auto posting on platforms. 

Such is the power of social media marketing that today companies find it more and more beneficial to reach the right target audience via social media engagement.  

At GigaSoft we help companies understand and use social media marketing in best possible manner to not just engage their customer audience but also create a lasting sustainable relationship between the brand and its consumers. 

Social Media Marketing
Email Campaigns

Email Campaigns

Email has been maligned as a vintage product in today’s fast paced digital economy, however, they are still one the most useful, and trusted source of customer engagement tools. 

We’ve in fact built an email campaign automation tool called specially for our customers because emails are not going anywhere soon. 

From customized email templates to customizable sender name, our email campaign management solution has everything you need to connect with your audience. 

Reaching your audience with the right message requires your emails as much as any other channel hence building a targeted campaign focused on specific message tends to give a better result than bombarding everyone with a standard message. 

One very important factor in favor of emails campaigns is that since email campaigns and newsletters are based on the principle of double opt-in, mails are sent to only those who really want to read your mails.

Content Writing and Blogs

Content Writing and Blogs

Blogs posts and articles are the ways and means to strategically promote your brand, service or product to your target audience. The main reason blog posts and articles have gained popularity, especially in context of business, is because search engines crave content.

Once you've created a blog, you or your PR team may start writing blogs and wait for people to visit your blog. Now, in order to get the traffic to your blog, they need to be able to find you first! By submitting your blogs in relevant industry directories and search engines, we help you promote your blogs, thus ensuring you traffic.

In case you find the effort of writing blogs too demanding on your time, or feel it's better to outsource the writing to a professional, we can help by writing search engine friendly articles for your business or related topics.

Content Writing and Blogs