StudyON LMS for All Indestry
StudyOn is Learning Platform for School/College to improve learning outcomes. It enables course delivery, assignments/projects.
Students enjoy the classroom on this 24/7 online environment
Contents can be Audio, Video, PPT, Image, Word or PDF and it will be Subject and Topic wise.
One Class Teacher and multiple Subject Teachers can be mapped to one class.
A MOOCs is a Massive Open Online Course facilitated wholly online and designed to support an unlimited number of enrolments.
Students enjoy the classroom on this 24/7 online environment
Contents can be Audio, Video, PPT, Image, Word or PDF and it will be Subject and Topic wise.
One Class Teacher and multiple Subject Teachers can be mapped to one class.
The E-Learning Management System is a fully integrated eLearning learning organization with a practical first approach that allows students to study anywhere, anytime, at their discretion.
Students enjoy the classroom on this 24/7 online environment
Contents can be Audio, Video, PPT, Image, Word or PDF and it will be Subject and Topic wise.
One Class Teacher and multiple Subject Teachers can be mapped to one class.
Online Admission Portal is all-in-one Paperless Enrollment/Admission Management Solution. Easily, seamlessly and securely manage the student lifecycle from prospect to alumni with our student admissions software.
Students enjoy the classroom on this 24/7 online environment
Contents can be Audio, Video, PPT, Image, Word or PDF and it will be Subject and Topic wise.
One Class Teacher and multiple Subject Teachers can be mapped to one class.
The E-Learning Management System is a fully integrated eLearning learning organization with a practical first approach that allows students to study anywhere, anytime, at their discretion.
Students enjoy the classroom on this 24/7 online environment
Contents can be Audio, Video, PPT, Image, Word or PDF and it will be Subject and Topic wise.
One Class Teacher and multiple Subject Teachers can be mapped to one class.
School Management Software System with Mobile Apps for students, parents, teachers and management is a comprehensive and affordable school ERP software India that provides schools with a simple way of managing complex tasks.
Students enjoy the classroom on this 24/7 online environment
Contents can be Audio, Video, PPT, Image, Word or PDF and it will be Subject and Topic wise.
One Class Teacher and multiple Subject Teachers can be mapped to one class.