FOSS (Free Open Source Software) has revolutionised website publishing industry for good!
Today almost 60% of new websites are built on open source Free software like Wordpress, magento, joomla, opencart etc.
From a large list of such software, Wordpress stands out as one of the most popular content management systems due to its robust framework, flexibility, easy setup process and above all availability of a vast array of plugins.
Plugins are like software steroids!
Plugins can transform Wordpress from a simple blogging engine to complex e-commerce application, elaborate listing engine, beautiful corporate website or extensive news portal, all in a short time, without much coding required in most cases.
With great power comes great responsibility
Wordpress has given the power of web in hands of individuals who can today easily publish websites. For this same reason it also needs to be handled with great care and extreme caution.
Spam comments, script based malware, frequently hacked websites due to poorly written plugins, these are some of the common problems plaguing Wordpress.
It is not due to any specific issue within wordpress software quality, but due to the open nature of this framework that Wordpress requires developers and website owners to be responsible for what they do with this software.
At GigaSoft, we have framed a set of protocols and have come up with services to help individuals and organisations take back control of their Wordpress websites.
Trust in god but lock your car!
We audit Wordpress websites to find gaps in security, issues with plugins related to coding or settings, and / or, issues due to incompatible and insufficient infrastructure.
Based on audit we suggest a maintenance plan for regular upkeep of website, and if needed, upgrade options within Wordpress framework if possible.
If migration to a complex custom application is required, we formulate a migration plan and hand hold our client in this process.
While we recommend our clients to have full control and involvement in their website’s health, entrepreneur and small business sometimes don’t have the bandwidth, time or necessary skills to do it on their own.
We help our clients manage their wordpress website and keep it updated with regular housekeeping activities like plugin updates, security audits, SEO audits, upgrade recommendations and overall website monitoring.
If you would like us to have a look at your website and suggest improvements, please contact us.